2021 - 2022 Summer Series Race 5, 21 Nov - Cancelled

Plan B has come and gone without any updates.  Nothing changed.

Auckland moving to Level 3 Step 2 this week offered hope that we would be able to get our season started.   Unfortunately this hasn't been the case.

The first thing to note at Level 3 Step 2 is that you, the individual TSC sailors, are free to drag out the Frostbite and hit the water (please take all the appropriate safety precautions to be safe on the beach and on the water).

When it comes to organised events the lines between what is permitted and what is not permitted is less well defined.   The TSC committee has worked through a risk management process and reviewed relevant rules and advice and come to the decision that is the title of this posting.   To be fair, it is the advice from the NZ yachting Association that tipped the scale.   See their link if you want to read more - www.yachtingnz.org.nz/clubs/covid-19-latest-updates.

As for the future?   We have no more insight than you but can make the following observations:

  • 29 November is a significant decision day
  • The Level system is changing to a traffic light system
  • What these changes will mean is still not clear (see NZYA comment on that)

Programme Impact for rest of 2021 (subject to the 29 Nov announcement):

  • Summer Series is cancelled as not viable.
  • Waitakere Champs 27 - 28 Nov - unlikely – possible reschedule to 11-12 Dec
  • 2022 - Schedule as published (aspirational)

As a final comment I need to say that while the current situation is very disappointing from a sailing perspective, there is a saying in a particular activity that is relevant:

"When in doubt, zoom out"

Focus on the big picture, keep yourselves and your families safe for when we can get back on the water. This disruption will become a blur in the rear-view mirror.

Next Update: 1 December